ftse 100 close - 6070

FTSE 100 index closed today with a c0% change, zero, nil.

This has happened a great deal recently.  The Christmas AND New Year's eve close were nanometres from 6,000.  On the button, on the nail.  With billions of trades, millions of buyers and sellers, and 100 individual stocks moving through at least 30 points above and below the opening level - are we expected to believe that all of this infinitely large buying and selling activity naturally took the weighted index value of those 100 stocks back to the exact starting point 8 hours or so earlier?  And for this to happen again and again?  Really?

Or is the derivative tail wagging the dog?

How big was that market again? Did someone say $600tn?

update: (7 Jun) another 0pt movement on the ftse - closed 5865 up 0pt. What are the odds on nil movement? How many hundreds of millions of trades on 100 individual company shares?


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